
Thursday, February 17, 2011


(me, awesome lawyerly friend 1, awesome lawyerly friend 2)

one of those rather swell architects' parties.
check out camstreets for some amazing outfits! 

jedna z tech docela hustych pareb od architektu.
mrknete se na camstreets - je tam par super outfitu!

Monday, February 14, 2011

a couple of couply photos... for a happy valentines♥

and a bit of bachelor eye-candy=)
have a great valentines' day!
and don't forget to visit camstreets! (vis post below)

Saturday, February 5, 2011


my friend and i have launched a street style blog for cambridge!
please check it out (by clicking the image above) and i would love you forever and ever if you would like our page on facebook
not that i don't love you already=)

já a moje kamarádka jsme nedávno otevřely street style blog pro cambridge!
mrkněte se, prosím, na to (kliknutím obrázku^) a budu vám navždy vděčná, když se vám to bude "líbit" na facebooku. jako "like." česky to zní divně=)


also, i got this award from the lovely yvette, and whilst i don't usually do these things, i thought i'd spread the love, so here goes...